
Big Head.

It's an absolutely beautiful day here in the metroplex. Not to hot...not to chilly...PERFECTION. As I was leaving my office today for my usual Monday drive to South Arlington to meet with my supervisor, the middle school girls' class was playing in front of the building...throwing rocks. The Behavior Interventionist supervising the class was telling the girls not to throw rocks just as I was walking out of the building to the parking lot. Her words were still hanging in the air when a 13-year-old looked at me and asked, "Can we throw rocks at you?" I said no...of course. Then she finished her sentence with, "...because you have a big head." Ouch. I spent the next 20 minutes in my car telling myself that my head is normal sized...it's not abnormally large...why did she say that...who does she think she is telling me my head is large...her head is the same size...yada...yada...yada. All this was happening while I was replaying scenes from an old Seinfeld episode in my mind...the one where Elaine is dating the guy that breaks up badly, and he tells her that she's got a big head, and it gives her a complex...then a bird dive-bombs her head when she's in the park. Suddenly I had an epiphany of sorts. Why is a comment made by a teenage girl...with raging hormones...from the JJAEP getting to me? Who really cares?! Does it ruin an already wonderful day? NO. I happen to think my head is just fine. So there. My big head is going to go on and enjoy the day.


Ahh...the South Plains...

Well...I'm back in Lubbock for the first time since Thanksgiving. Back to the land of no trees and more churches per capita than just about anywhere...it's good to be home...


Marathons and Soapboxes

I feel like I've just run a marathon...four groups of kids in one day... I could never be a teacher and have to deal with this ALL day long. I do enjoy these guys though...today at least.

Anyway, I don't really have anything to write about. I was tired of looking at the last post. So...I'll...I don't know. I'd do a little dance, but you won't be able to see that. It is almost quitting time...so that's good. And the American Idol results show is on tonight. That's even better.

So my brother-in-law is having surgery in a couple of weeks in scenic Houston, Texas. Blah. But he needs type specific blood for the surgery. So I'm donating since I share his blood type...as his my sister (his wife), his mom, and grandmother. Only thing is that blood has to be given at least 3 days before the surgery. I could donate here and have it shipped...BUT...it costs a whopping 2 grand to ship blood!!!!!! Highway robbery. You'd think since we are trying not to deplete the blood bank that they would do it for free or a nominal fee at least. So it's much cheaper to get to Houston, give blood, and get back so I can work a couple of days before returning to Houston for the surgery. Ugh. So here's a big thank you to the people who are complicating my life all for the cause of helping my brother-in-law out.

So...if anyone wants to make a marathon trip to Houston with me, I need company...and maybe someone to drive after I donate.

Happy Wednesday!


no more mold

Emily said my post was getting moldy...

My life as a soap opera. Coming soon to my blog.

No...really...it is. It seems more than just my hormone crazed adolescent boys have a crush on me...and it is frightening. I need a guy to pose as my "boyfriend" so they'll leave me alone. Any takers? Seriously though. Things are getting a little nutty around here. I think at some point on Friday I stepped out of my world and into a parallel universe where grown men get into some apparently serious like and then act like they're 12 about it. And honestly...this NEVER happens to me. I'm everyone's sister...not the girl that guys get crushes on...or at least I never knew about it before. Now some of my kids know...how I don't know...and that is a recipe for disaster and humiliation...and a sure fire way to get a big fat no out of me. It's fun. And by fun I mean embarrassing...not because of the person involved...but because of ALL the people involved because someone has no boundaries and it isn't me. All in a day's work I suppose. I don't know what I did. But oh well. Funny...but no. And not just no. But oh no.

On a lighter note...
Mat Kearney is being loaded into my i-tunes as we speak. He rocks.

There, Em. No more mold.


Here's a story for you.

My mom called last night to tell me a story she heard on the news in Lubbock. Apparently there's a guy...I forgot where exactly she said he lived but it wasn't local...who trained his dog to find stuff he misplaced. Smart enough. Right? Only the other day he was talking to a police officer...when his extra smart dog found his misplaced bag of marijuana and delivered it to him right then. Hmmm. Now that's a smart dog...and really stupid man.


girls are weird.

Why is it that sometimes being a girl is okay and at other times it just plain sucks?! Sometimes I wonder. I'm not speaking of anything in particular. There are just times when I shake my head and wonder why I just did what I did...and the only answer I have is that I'm a girl. Ladies...I know you smell what I'm stepping in. Girls really are weird. No more odd than guys. I guess, in the end, we're all just a little off.


Try This

If the link posted in yesterday's post doesn't work, do this.

1. Go to www.ayouthpastor.com
2. Click on the baby got book video in the most current post.
3. Click where it says "here" in the next screen and the video will open.
4. Enjoy!



It's only a Monday...

So I just got a call from my co-worker's girlfriend/fiance. And by co-worker I mean the guy who is my immediate "supervisor" slash team leader...and his team has only one member...that being me. We are the only two with our agency with offices in our particular building/location so forth and so on. I apologize if that rant made absolutely NO sense. Now back to the original story.

So his girlfriend called to ask if I would be on the lookout today for his Valentine. You see...he's out today with a lovely migraine headache. So I am picking up his gift when it comes so she doesn't have to pay the fees to get the delivery changed. Oh, life...you are full of strange phone calls. I don't have problem with this...since she's a lovely person, and I happen to enjoy working with my "boss". I just found this highly amusing since today is only a Monday, and I really don't see the point in recognizing it as Valentine's Day or Singles Awareness Day. (Sidenote--I do realize that I used the aforementioned phrase in last Friday's post. Therefore, my declaration of not recognizing this day as anything other than Monday is a decision that was made this morning. So now you know. I really need better material. I'll work on that.)

Does it really matter? No would be my answer to that. Would the world end if we didn't have Valentine's Day? Now if they start declaring it a holiday in which I don't have to work...then I'll start caring. So to commemorate this non-holiday, I will listen to my all-Spanish Ricky Martin album, "Vuelve", at least twice today. Anyway, before I step up on yet another soapbox, I shall end this slightly odd and rambling story, and let you, dear reader, get on with your day. I hope it is a lovely one. So here's wishing you a...Happy Monday.


Sad day in the city.

Since no one commented on the last post so I took it down. Thanks, guys. That really hurts.

On a different note...Happy Singles Awareness Weekend/Day/whatever.
Let's party like it's 1989.


On a Mission.

So I've decided to do something. My little sister's husband is preparing for his 6th open heart surgery on March 17th (he was born with a heart defect and he's only 22), and I want to buy her a prize to maybe give her a reason to smile. They have only been married almost 8 months, and this is a really difficult thing for her to face. I thought I'd post this to see if anyone has any suggestions. I've got an idea, but if I stumble across something better, I'd be willing to reconsider. Even if it doesn't make me the best big sister in the history of the world, I know I'll still be that to her. So post your suggestions NOW!!! And thanks for the help.


Last night while watching Everwood, I witnessed something highly amusing. As Dr. Jake was laying some good words on his interest, Melissa was on the couch answering him. Yes...she was talking to the tv as if Jake were talking to her. Melissa...thanks for bringing humor into my life!



Ever have one of those days where it's a little hard to get going...but when you do...it's like you're off in the race of your life and you're actually doing well?! Well...today has been one of those days. I have a massive amount of assessments to do with my kids before Friday since we'll be starting the group phase of my job next week...by massive amount I mean like 50 assessments which I only have about 15 done. Yikes. I could crank them out like nothing else, but they wouldn't be thorough leading to less than fabulous feelings about myself as a clinician. In order to get kids in the services they need, I must be thorough...even if I spend an entire afternoon with ONE kid. Hey...they have a ton of issues, and I'm only one person. There's only so much I can do! Nevertheless...today I feel like a good therapist. I feel like I've actually identified specific needs and am working effectively to get those needs delt with. I also am becoming more confident in my skills/intuition. When I first started this job...or actually counseling anyone...I felt like the biggest idiot ever. I seriously even considered changing professions about 40 hours into my 48 hour master's program. Not the best timing. But all things considered...I see growth an improvement over the past 6 months in my skills as well as my satisfaction with the job. And that is nice. I don't mind coming to work every day. I actually like my job...and that is good...considering how much I hated substitute teaching! Anyway, everything may hit the fan tomorrow, but today has been a good day. And for that I am truly thankful. Hope your Monday was as fulfilling as mine.


Just another Tuesday.

So yesterday...on my way home for lunch...I was thinking about a friend of mine that I hadn't heard from in awhile...so I decided to call him after work just to catch up. After work...I looked at my phone only to discover that I had missed a call from him 20 mins earlier. Strange. So I called him back...we chatted...it was swell. Only it seems his girlfriend is very close with my ex-boss that he also knows. Small world.

Then...my mom called to say she met the sister of a friend of mine from high school (who is now married and living in Alaska.) What are the odds.

Then...I decided to call another friend...only to discover the phone number was temporarily out of service. Oh well. Guess the bill didn't get paid.

Then...I called yet another friend...only to get her voicemail.

Man...this is rather droll and slightly boring...but that is my life and the only thing I have to write about right now. Oh...inspiration. Where have you gone? Maybe I'll try something new and exciting this weekend. If I do...I'll let you know.

**Melissa...I need material. And since you seem to be a major source of material for this blog, I think you should put down the books, stop the studying, and help me out. Otherwise I fear there is only more boredom on tap.


Yes...this frog is actually doing what it looks like he's doing. Adds are funny! Thanks, Melissa, for passing this on! Posted by Hello