
so i have a new job. i start on tuesday...same agency...different program. my current job's grant was ending at the end of the year (september) and i could have chosen to finish it out with no guarantees as to what i would be doing next year. instead, i am giving up two evenings a week for groups...but getting a raise...which is nice. i wasn't anticipating this, but i can't say that i'm not surprised.

on a completely unrelated note...i finished the first four harry potter books in a week and a half. i really have no life...and i wish i was magical...


nice, new black explorer with beige trim.
and on the back, covering the ball hitch...a doll's head.
this vehicle is currently parked outside my office building.

and i am currently reading the harry potter books...they are very well written and imaginative...so as a result i am hooked. i finished the first book in a day. brilliant...especially since i need to be studying for my lpc exam, but i would rather read fun books like harry potter.


Texas Tech is ranked in the top 10. And we're 6-0. Spectacular. I love Red Raider football!

and...[Begin Rant] Last week I notified one of my bosses about the harrassment issue. She then took it to the school director. This person then decided to mishandle the situation...making my life even more miserable. Then I talked to her in order to stop the potential blow-out. She looked at me like I'm insane and proceeded to tell me basically that it sounded like a personal problem and nothing would be done. Gee, it feels so good to be completely unsupported by the very people who are supposed to help. Seriously, people. DO YOUR JOBS. [End Rant]


this morning, the today show did a story about a couple who had just had their 16th child. they've had 16 kids in 17 years. wow. and they would like to have more kids. i don't really understand that, but more power to you.


i absolutely love monday mornings when you hit the door and not 10 minutes later some strange man that apparently works for Lena Pope Home whom you've NEVER MET comes over an makes it a point to be the biggest jerk in north america and make you feel like you're the biggest idiot in north america by pointing out a very tiny mistake and harping on you in the most ugly way he can. i wonder what crawled up his rear and died this morning. mister rude guy...i hope you have a nice day and someone eventually puts your attitude in check. and by they way...when you are talking to a stranger...be nice...as opposed to the pretentious egotistical manner you apparently haul your bald headed self around in. must be difficult being you. i'm sorry you have such a distorted picture of things that would allow you to treat perfect strangers in a manner that attempts to control them through intimidation and domination. you are not the it man. get over yourself. and thanks for ruining my monday.


my work environment is so unhealthy. i know i've voiced my work issues before, but it never improves. since school started in august, the problems i've had with the high school boys has gotten completely out of control. instead of making slightly veiled comments toward me or within earshot, they have begun full on harrassing me. so it went from mildly disturbing to making me severely uncomfortable...like referring to me as "the wife" or just flat out propositioning me. it is awful, and i loathe having to even set foot in the high school building. anyone who knows me knows that i am not asking for this. i'm very careful about what i wear to work and what i say to the kids. i've addressed this issue head on and gotten no results. i never hear the other staff back me up. my boss and i are it. i don't want other staff...particularly the male staff...to fight my battles for me since that just makes it look like i won't defend myself and that it is okay to objectify women. and that is never okay. but it would be nice to feel like i'm backed in this...that when it continues they will help me out...a team approach if you will. i've worked with teenagers along time and have never been in a situation like this. last year i could just laugh about it, but it has gotten so bad that i just feel dirty and want to hide out in my office. i shouldn't even have to deal with this. but how does a counselor handle harrassment when it is the clients doing the harrassing? i can't very well file a lawsuit on them. this completely sucks.