
Just another Tuesday.

So yesterday...on my way home for lunch...I was thinking about a friend of mine that I hadn't heard from in awhile...so I decided to call him after work just to catch up. After work...I looked at my phone only to discover that I had missed a call from him 20 mins earlier. Strange. So I called him back...we chatted...it was swell. Only it seems his girlfriend is very close with my ex-boss that he also knows. Small world.

Then...my mom called to say she met the sister of a friend of mine from high school (who is now married and living in Alaska.) What are the odds.

Then...I decided to call another friend...only to discover the phone number was temporarily out of service. Oh well. Guess the bill didn't get paid.

Then...I called yet another friend...only to get her voicemail.

Man...this is rather droll and slightly boring...but that is my life and the only thing I have to write about right now. Oh...inspiration. Where have you gone? Maybe I'll try something new and exciting this weekend. If I do...I'll let you know.

**Melissa...I need material. And since you seem to be a major source of material for this blog, I think you should put down the books, stop the studying, and help me out. Otherwise I fear there is only more boredom on tap.