While sitting in the AMC Palace theater on Friday night, waiting for
Spanglish to begin, I was chatting with my fabulous friend, Melissa. She mentioned that during her recent trip home, her father asked her why women don't swoon anymore over men. Melissa and her mother directly stated that we haven't seen anything to swoon over. And I concur. So in honor of Melissa, her parents, and that conversation about why men don't make girls swoon, here we go...
Webster's New World Dictionary says to swoon is to faint. Now speaking from our romantic sensibilities, swooning would be the equivalent of being swept off one's feet. So my question is where have all the romantic gentlemen gone? Not one of the guys I know or have known has ever demonstrated or even spoken of the ability to do anything even close to that. Now...if you are friend of mine--or not--don't be offended. I'm just making a point. I in no way consider myself an expert when it comes to relationships with the opposite sex. However, as a trained observer of human nature, I know a thing or two based on personal observations and experience. After all...it doesn't take a rocket scientist...
Now, I realize that girls mature faster than boys so think of this as an effort to help you mature a little faster when it comes to relationships. I know there are guys capable of this. I've seen it demonstrated by some...namely the husbands of my friends or my sisters.
Case in point. I have a wonderful friend, now married, who's husband showed up for their first date with flowers. FLOWERS. That's simple enough...isn't it? The only time I've ever gotten flowers from a guy was on my birthday, and I had to tell him that it would be nice to get flowers. No girl should ever have to
suggest anything of the sort. Yes, men. You should know enough to know that. But alas. And that's only one example. I could list dozens...nay...hundreds more.
So my question is why don't men do the things for women that they are intersted in that would make us interested in them? It's like they just sit around text messaging girls expecting us to do all the leg work (ie. drop hints, spell it all out for you). Are you all that incapable of action? I...and perhaps the rest of the female world...would like to know why. Help us understand what it is that hinders you from reaching your potential. And you say women are difficult! I beg to differ. We don't expect you to read our minds...just use the common sense God gave you. If you are lacking the that department, pray for some, and I'm sure it will be given to you. All we're asking for is a little progressive thought. That may sound difficult, but I promise...it isn't. But it does take effort. I believe you would be pleased with the results if you did at least TRY to be a forward thinking individual. We aren't expecting the moon...but something that at least resembles a fairy tale would be nice...
Remember, now. This is only the opinion of one...or a few. Take it with a grain of salt, if you don't agree or see any truth in what is stated. If you think you are an exception to the aforementioned "rule", fabulous. Good for you. Now go forth and reach your potential!
Oh...and in case you were wondering,
Spanglish is a good movie.