oh happy day! my little almost-niece is finally here! she's absolutely beautiful, and i can hardly wait to see her!
so i learned last night that one of my former JJAEP students died last weekend due to a drug overdose. yikes. this is the first client i've had die. he was only 16. i spent part of the evening reminding myself that it wasn't my fault that he didn't get help. we offered him help. we gave him every opportunity to get into treatment, and he wouldn't go so it isn't my problem. it is very sad though. kids never think what they do is going to hurt them. well...sometimes the price is high.
according to the giant electronic billboard things the dps uses to post amber alerts and road closures/construction zones, arson is now banned. that's funny. hasn't arson ALWAYS been banned? last i checked, arson was illegal prior to today. maybe it was illegal but not banned...even though i see both of those terms as delineating something that is, in fact, against the law. it's nice to know it is now officially banned...because i know we were all wondering.
This past Sunday, I arrived at church early since I was singing with the praise team. The guy who heads up the praise team is also a police officer. When I arrived he said...and I quote... "Angie, last night I arrested some girl that looked an awful lot like you. When I first saw her, I did a double take and had to remind myself that that wasn't your apartment. Apparently you have a twin in Arlington." So I have a criminal twin. I always get told by people that I look familiar...or like Jennifer Aniston--which I get a lot and I have absolutely no idea why because I don't look anything like Jennifer Aniston. Anyway, this is the first time I've been told that I look like someone that was recently arrested. Cool...or something like that.
dang you, cotton bowl.
dang you, alabama and your little tenor sax player who insisted on making obscene gestures while moving into his half time show position. that was REALLY classy, you redneck.
dang you, cheating blind officials.
dang you, field goal kicker with your 45 yard piece of crap lucky kick.
i have one question. what on earth does an elephant have to do with the crimson tide? where you just out of mascot options? pitiful.
dang you, alabama and your little tenor sax player who insisted on making obscene gestures while moving into his half time show position. that was REALLY classy, you redneck.
dang you, cheating blind officials.
dang you, field goal kicker with your 45 yard piece of crap lucky kick.
i have one question. what on earth does an elephant have to do with the crimson tide? where you just out of mascot options? pitiful.