
Greeting from Ireland! I'm sitting in a lovely little B & B in Trim, Ireland as the sunsets outside the widow on Trim Castle. Ah...

I'm completely in love with Wales and Ireland. Wales is beautiful, but Ireland has captured my heart. All except for the blind corners on tiny unmarked roads which continue to cause my life flash before my eyes with a steady stream of near death experiences...but it smells really good here!!! The combination of pine and heather is severely intoxicating.

I'll post some pics once I get back to the USA. I think I'll be sad to leave two of the most beautiful countries I've ever been in.

And is case you were wondering...Irish Guinness does in fact taste much better than American Guinness. And that, my friends, is very good news indeed.


I LOVE summer time. No work. No children. No drama...as far as middle school goes. It is pretty awesome.

I also love foamy soap, but that's a topic for a different blog.

More to come on the foamy soap issue, and why it's pretty much the greatest invention in the last 50 years.

Peace. Out.

I wrote all that and then was so gently reminded by my friend, Amy, that I will have to work with small children Wednesday and Thursday and that I've been surrounded by 2 year old drama since Sunday night. My work is never done.

BUT foamy soap is abundant so all is well with the world.
