I flipping love my church. I love that I can't remember a week that I wasn't absolutely 100% challenged by the sermon...unless I was not paying attention which would be my own fault. I love that it makes me think and re-evaluate things. I love that we are an eclectic type of charismatic presbypentabaptist. Who knew such a thing could exisit and thrive?! It's a beautiful thing. Check out the Village podcast. There are some nuggets in there.
impact your world
friends and stuff
- ben and ashley
- my nephew
- my kate
- emily
- buddha
- sarah
- brandi
- bruce
- jeff t
- angela c
- angela hastings
- lisa
- tenille
Previous Posts
- I received news yesterday of a rather depressing n...
- Greeting from Ireland! I'm sitting in a lovely li...
- I LOVE summer time. No work. No children. No dr...
- why isn't school over yet?!?!?!?!
- This is my adorable nephew, Brinson, when he was j...
- okay, emily. i know i promised a post a million a...
- waiting for something to happen while resisting th...
- here's my favorite moment from halloween this year...
- so i rant and rave about how much i hate tech's la...
- WARNING: The following is most definitely a rant b...