
two posts in the same month. i must be sick! :)
well...the last few days have been pretty rough as far as work goes. i still love my job, and i guess the smooth sailing was bound to get rough eventually. evidently it has. there's one really difficult person that i get the pleasure of working fairly closely with...only she thinks i work FOR her. she likes to come chastise me and tell me how i can better do my job...as far as her class is concerned...on a regular basis. this compounded by the fact that she is constantly comparing me to my predecessor and apparently sees that my lack of testicles makes me incompetent really makes a girl feel good. never mind the fact that i got a degree in this stuff and evidently know enough to get myself licensed. whatever. i just wanted to tell her that i'm not him. (the dude i replaced was...well a dude.) i don't do things like he did, and i don't plan on changing my anatomy to make her more comfortable with my work abilities. evidently the fact that i am relatively young and female puts two strikes against me in her three strike world. cool. i love when people set me up for failure and then try to push me over the edge. but i know God will give me the grace and patience to deal with her and that one day i'm going to have to stand up to her and tell her how i feel about the demeaning way in which she likes to treat me. rant ended.

this post was really supposed to be about something else. i just needed to blog-vomit for a minute. now on to it. i work with some really cool people. two of which are the other counselors on campus. it's a blessing that we gel really well and get along fabulously since there are those sand paper-death breathers hanging around. anyway, one of them is around my age and single. she is really into self-growth and doing those things that stretch you. so she's been giving us challenges. the first of which i actually completed. no, i'm not telling because you don't need to know. after i managed to complete task one with relative ease, i decided to push myself so i've been working on that. so today...after about two weeks of brooding...i did it. i was feeling bold so i did something of my own volition that i would only do if forced. and i didn't die. i've decided that if i want things to change i have to do something other than what i always do...whether that's step into some uncomfortable situations and actually start conversations with strangers. i've also become keenly aware that i sometimes have a big "f off" stamped on my forehead. i am currently working on not wearing that around so people won't think i'm mad all the time. i figure a sign like that can't be good for business, and i don't want to seem unapproachable. it's time to retire it. so that's it. peace out.