
Taurean Henderson...you are my hero! what a nail bitter! i think that game took 10 years off my life span. wow.

i forgot to post about the opera...it was WONDERFUL. i loved it and will be going again...most likely in march to see la boheme. yeah!

i saw harry potter and the goblet of fire on saturday. it was well done. i think i still enjoy the book more, but it was not a waste of almost three hours of my life. i did enjoy it.

i can't wait until wednesday...i get to trek to the south plains and hang out with the fam. i have been promised mucho movies so i'm very excited. yippee for thanksgiving.

funny occurance of last week.
i've been teaching good ol' prevention ed at the jjaep again...in only the three middle school classes so it isn't as bad as previous experiences have been. after the lesson, i give them riddles to answer for candy, of course. one of them is "it is full of holes yet still holds water. what is it?" the answer is of course a sponge. however, one child guessed a club...as in night club. when i said no, he said, "but miss, a club is full of hoes (as is woman of questionable repute) and has water in it!" i couldn't help but laugh...and laugh i did. it was rather amusing. kids...