
thoughts from the back row

well...maybe not the back row. we were pretty far away...but still not back row.

anyway...ash, ben, and i had a fantastic time at the kelly clarkson concert voicing the thoughts of a few odd balls sitting around us. and really...what else are you supposed to do when the lady sitting directly in front of you has hair so big that it could probably be seen clearly from space thereby creating an unbelievable obstruction in your view? honestly, people. factor in the males of questionable nature, middle aged mothers attempting to look as young as their preteen daughters, and an open bar...and you've got the makings of a great few hours of people watching.

by questionable i am referring to the fact that it isn't normal for a college aged boy to be waving a glow stick in the air and singing the words to EVERY kelly clarkson song...from both albums...while the girl he came with...possible girlfriend...stares in disbelief. honestly...she may want to rethink that relationship. he did compete well against the preteen girls in the glow stick wave/lyric recitation event.

and in reference to another male of questionable nature...it isn't normal to wear your hair like a porrcupine, wear your sunglassess in a concert venue (AT NIGHT) and sing all the songs into your cell phone while screaming "kelly, your so fine" from the balcony and dancing around like you had a little more than alcohol. seriously...i think he forgot where he was.

it was truly a spectacle.