
Thoughts from the Spiritually Disabled

I figured since we label people LD (learning disabled) or ED (emotionally disturbed) that we should add a new catagory...SD--Spiritually Disabled...especially since this is the way I feel. Everything I wrote about in the last post has come up now in a completely unexpected way...in a totally different area. Isn't that just like God...to show one area that really needs some work and then make you face the same tendencies in a new light? Another opportunity to grow that I really wasn't wanting to face. And therein lies the spiritual disability. I don't want to deal with it. It's easier pretending it's not even there...unless whatever you're dealing with is coming back around to bit you in the rear.

Yikes. It's been a busy/peculiar last half of the week for me...lots of insight gained. But awareness is not enough to movitiate change. I tell clients that all the time. Now's the time I have to answer some tough questions...like who I'm doing all this for, and is it worth the cost and potential risk to do something different than what comes naturally...so on and so forth. This is never fun, but I know in my head that I'm not doing all this alone and that I have a Father who will help me through. However, the longest distance is the 16 or so inches between the head and the heart. I feel like everything I know is stuck somewhere between my head and my heart. More of that nasty spiritual disability that cripples me. Now if I would just let faith take over, I may actually get somewhere good.